The Ohio Statewide ITS Architecture provides a starting point for project definition. It provides an overall framework that shows how anticipated projects will integrate with each other and with existing systems. This page lists all the ITS projects that have been mapped to the regional ITS architecture.
Project | Status | Timeframe | Description |
Connected Vehicle | Planned | Medium Term, 0-5 Years | Connected vehicle technology will enable vehicles, roads and other infrastructure, and our smartphones to all communicate and share vital transportation information. This will include I-90 and I-270 in coordination with Smart Cities. |
Emergency Vehicle Preemption in Counties and Cities | Planned | Short Term | Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption (EVP) will be expanded to traffic signals operated by counties and cities throughout the state. Projects will require coordination between public works departments and county and city public safety agencies. Project Sources: Reflected in the following Regional ITS Architectures -- AMATS-SCATS, Eastgate, Miami Valley, MORPC, NOACA, OKI, and TMACOG. |
Expansion of E-ZPass and Toll Operations in Metro Areas | Planned | Long Term | Expansion of E-ZPass and Toll Operations in Metro Areas. Includes potential tolling of the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor in Cincinnati metro area. Project may or may not utilize Ohio Turnpike E-ZPass Tags for project. Project Source: Brent Spence Bridge Corridor project page. Available at: |
E-ZPass Integration with Parking Management Systems | Planned | Medium Term | Project represents E-ZPass Integration with Parking Management Systems in large metro areas of the state. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture. |
ITS Rural CCTV Expansion | Planned | Medium Term, 0-5 Years | Implementation of up to 258 CCTV cameras in various counties and cities throughout the state. |
Ohio DOT Active Traffic and Demand Management | Planned | Short Term | Represents an Ohio DOT Active Traffic and Demand Management project. Project Source: Ohio DOT website at the following:,%20Oct.%2029/54-C223-225-830-10/Stargell_Gray.pdf. |
Ohio DOT Animal Detection Systems | Planned | Medium Term | Represents an autonomous system of roadside detection and message signs. Roadside sensors are used to detect animals approaching a roadway or highway. Upon possible detection of an animal approaching a roadway or highway, sensors will trigger roadside message signs warning drivers in the surrounding area of possible danger from animals. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT Automated Gate Closure Systems | Planned | Medium Term | Represents automated road closure gates owned and operated by the Ohio DOT used for the remote closure of roads, lanes or ramps. Intended to be for areas where ice or snow or other adverse weather conditions exist on a frequent basis and that cause hazardous conditions for motorists. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT Connected Vehicles Program | Planned | Long Term | Represents Connected Vehicles projects that Ohio DOT could become involved in through the deployment of roadside equipment that provides vehicle-to-infrastructure communications under the Connected Vehicles program. This is used for data collection from Connected Vehicles-equipped vehicles and to provide information to Connected Vehicles-equipped vehicles. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture, Eastgate Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT Evacuation Route Development | Planned | Short Term | Ohio DOT is currently in the process of developing evacuation routes in large metropolitan areas of the state. Requires emergency plan coordination with first responder agencies throughout the state. Project Source: Ohio DOT Website at the following address: |
Ohio DOT Freeway Management System Expansion in Metro Areas | Planned | Short Term | Represents expansions of the ITS elements that are included within Freeway Management Systems (FMS) deployed in the major metro areas of Ohio, including Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, and Akron/Canton. Primary ITS elements that are part of the overall FMS include DMS, CCTV, HAR, and ramp meters. |
Ohio DOT Highway-Rail Intersection Advanced Safety Systems | Planned | Long Term | Represents a project to install advanced highway-rail safety systems at key railroad at-grade crossings. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture, Eastgate Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT Lane Control Devices | Planned | Short Term | Represents a project to install lane control devices operated by Ohio DOT to manage lanes. These include lane control signals on bridges. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT Maintenance Vehicle AVL Upgrades | Planned | Medium Term | Represents a planned project to install AVL systems in Ohio DOT Maintenance Vehicles operating in districts throughout the state. Project also includes potential to operate Maintenance Decision Support Systems (MDSS) in Ohio. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture, Eastgate Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT OHGO Mobile Application | Planned | Short Term | Project includes the development of a mobile application to present traffic information from the Ohio DOT OHGO Traveler Information System. Project Source: Ohio DOT website at the following address: |
Ohio DOT Rest Area Truck Parking Availability System | Planned | Short Term | Represents planned parking management systems at rest areas and truck stops to measure parking availability and communicate availability to the public. Project Source: Eastgate Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT Safety Service Patrol Expansion | Planned | Short Term | Represents an expansion of the Ohio DOT Safety Service Patrols. |
Ohio DOT Speed Monitoring Roadside Equipment | Planned | Short Term | Represents the field equipment that monitors vehicle speeds for enforcement purposes or to advise motorists of their current speeds. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio DOT Work Zone Safety Improvements | Planned | Medium Term | Represents projects that will improve travel in work zones to reduce collisions. Projects could include deployment of roadside equipment to alert drivers of a construction zone, roadway hazard, or speed change. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture. |
Ohio Multi Agency Radio Communication System (MARCS) | Existing | Short Term | The Multi-Agency Radio Communications System (“MARCS”) enables Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers and law enforcement personnel serving counties and cities throughout to more effectively communicate with each other. MARCS is an 700/800 MHz radio and data network that utilizes state-of-the-art trunked technology to provide statewide interoperability in digital clarity to its subscribers throughout Ohio and a 10 mile radius outside of Ohio. The MARCS system provides statewide, secure, reliable public service wireless communication for public safety and first responders. The MARCS network operates on three system components: 1) Mobile Voice – operating on the 700/800 MHZ digital trunked technology, 2) Mobile Data – allowing data transmissions, LEADS inquiries, reformatting of data from Mobile Data Terminals (MDT), and 3) Computer Aided Dispatch - providing GPS-based auto vehicle location, resource recommendation and GGM display. There are currently over 47,500 voice units and over 1,800 mobile data units on the MARCS system with over 1200 public safety/public service agencies statewide. This includes local, state and federal agencies. Ohio DAS staff that manage the MARCS system work with emergency responders to get their equipment programmed, activated and deployed efficiently. Project Source: |
Real-Time Transit Information Systems for Transit Providers | Planned | Short Term | Represents projects to be led by transit providers throughout the state to provide real-time transit information to users of the public transportation system. Project Sources: Reflected in the following Regional ITS Architectures -- AMATS-SCATS, Eastgate, MORPC, NOACA, OKI, and TMACOG. |
Regional Evacuation Plan Updates | Planned | Short Term | Represents updates made to evacuation plans by large counties throughout the state. Will require coordination with Ohio Emergency Management Agency and Ohio Department of Transportation. Project Source: NOACA Regional ITS Architecture, Eastgate Regional ITS Architecture. |
Statewide Fiber Expansion | Planned | Medium Term, 5-10 Years | Connection of the major cities via fiber networks along main state routes and interstates. |
Traffic Signal System Upgrades in Counties and Cities | Planned | Long Term | Represents upgrades to traffic signal systems operated by public works departments in counties and cities throughout the state. Project Sources: Reflected in the following Regional ITS Architectures -- Eastgate, MORPC, NOACA, OKI, and TMACOG. |
Transit Signal Priority in Counties and Cities | Planned | Medium Term | Represents Transit Signal Priority (TSP) projects led by County and City Transit Operators. May require coordination with Ohio DOT for TSP operations at traffic signals operated by the Ohio DOT. Project Sources: Reflected in the following Regional ITS Architectures -- Eastgate, Miami Valley, MORPC, NOACA, OKI, and TMACOG. |
US-33 Smart Mobility Corridor | Planned | Short Term, 0-2 Years | ODOT will procure 432 strands of high-speed data, fiber optic line to connect the Honda/OSU Transportation Research Center in East Liberty, Ohio and the Ohio Super Computer Center through Dublin, Ohio. The primary, 35 mile, route will be constructed entirely within U.S. 33 right-of-way and will serve as an enhanced connection for OARnet and DAS OIT as well as a test bed for connecting Road Side Units (RSUs) to monitor traffic and serve as an enhanced connection between Autonomous and Connected Vehicles and the roadway infrastructure. |