Ohio DOT Statewide TMC
Ohio DOT Statewide Traffic Management Center (TMC) is located in Columbus at the Ohio DOT Central Office. The Statewide TMC operates traffic management and traveler information systems on Ohio's interstates, freeways, expressways, and state highways in each of the State’s major metropolitan areas including Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton/Springfield, and Toledo. TMC operators can control cameras and post traveler information messages to Ohio DOT’s DMS, HAR, and to the OHGO website. TMC operators can also act as liaisons between the Safety Patrol Vehicles and various other public agencies that respond to the scenes of vehicle incidents. For redundancy, it is able to remotely operate district traffic management centers. It also communicates with RWIS Roadside Equipment throughout the state.
Ohio Department of TransportationFunctionality
Emergency Management |
Traffic Management |
Maintenance and Construction Management |